The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

Diseases Of The Musculo-Skeletal System


Note that some of the questions in this section (those marked with an asterisk) are more advanced than required for the final V.N. exams. However, they are of interest to those already qualified, or studying for the Medical Diploma.

  1. State the 2 minerals that must be present in the correct ratio in the diet of a growing animal in order to ensure healthy bone.
  2. State the 2 most important vitamins necessary in the correct quantity in the diet of a growing animal to promote healthy bone.
  3. What disease of bone is associated with an incorrect balance of calcium and phosphorous?
  4. What is another name for secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism?
  5. What is the name of the bone disease of cats associated with hypervitaminosis A?
  6. List 5 major canine developmental skeletal diseases.
  7. State the most common canine developmental orthopaedic disease encountered by veterinary surgeons.
  8. Give 2 examples of dog breeds predisposed to disc protrusion (prolapsed intervertebral disc - PID).
  9. Define osteopathy.
  10. * Give an example of a dog breed predisposed to craniomandibular osteopathy.
  11. What is osteodystrophy?
  12. * What disease of bone is most commonly seen in Great Danes and giant breeds aged 3-6 months?
  13. * By what other name might metaphyseal osteopathy be known?
  14. * What part of the anatomy in addition to bone is affected by secondary hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)?
  15. What is the most likely cause of osteomyelitis?
  16. What is the name of the disease caused by a deficiency of osteoid due to a disturbance of tissue metabolism (rather than calcium:phosphorous metabolism)?
  17. Define arthritis, and list 6 possible causes.
  18. What infectious disease may cause arthritis?
  19. A dog is presented showing pain, stiffness and joint disuse. The veterinary surgeon suspects arthritis, but wants to rule out other differential diagnoses including tendon injury and osteomyelitis. How could the arthritis diagnosis be confirmed?
  20. Give 2 examples of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used in the treatment of non-infectious arthritis.
  21. Briefly describe DJD.
  22. * List 5 procedures/tests that may be performed in order to aid the diagnosis of feline immune-based polyarthritis.
  23. What is the most common cause of bursitis?
  24. What is the name of the disease caused by a disturbance of endochondrial ossification affecting the growth plates and articular cartilage?
  25. State the 4 breeds of dog that are most at risk of OCD.
  26. What 2 tissue types are affected by OCD?
  27. State the risk factors for osteochondrosis.
  28. What is osteomalacia?
  29. By what name is the juvenile form of osteomalacia known?
  30. What is panosteitis?
  31. List 4 clinical signs of panosteitis.
  32. What is the term used to describe a loss of bone density, resulting in bones that are brittle and liable to fracture?
  33. What is the term used to describe inflammation of muscle tissue?
  34. What part of the anatomy is affected in cases of atrophic myositis?
  35. What disease of muscle is characterised by profound muscular weakness induced by exercise, regurgitation, salivation, ulceration of buccal mucosa and distension of the bladder?
  36. Give an example of a neoplasm that affects bone.
  37. What is an osteoma?
  38. List general requirements for the nursing of any patient with bone disease.