The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

Diseases Of The Endocrine System


Note that some of the questions in this section (those marked with an asterisk) are more advanced than required for the final V.N. exams. However, they are of interest to those already qualified, or studying for the Medical Diploma.

  1. Which hormone is produced in excess in Cushing's disease?
  2. By what other name might Cushing's disease be known?
  3. What is the name of the hormone that is released from the pituitary gland and is responsible for stimulating the production of cortisol from the adrenal glands?
  4. List 6 clinical signs of Cushing's disease.
  5. * Would you expect the following haematology parameters to be raised or lowered in animals suffering from Cushing's disease: eosinophils, neutrophils and lymphocytes?
  6. * Which biochemistry parameters might you expect to display abnormalities in an animal suffering from Cushing's disease?
  7. What is the name of the specific test used to diagnose Cushing's disease?
  8. When taking blood for an ACTH stimulation test, a pre and post ACTH sample are required. How long following injection of ACTH should the second blood sample be taken?
  9. If an animal has Cushing's disease, would you expect to see an increase or decrease in circulating cortisol following injection of ACTH?
  10. What therapy is required following bilateral adrenalectomy?
  11. What is the name of the cytotoxic drug used in the treatment of Cushing's disease?
  12. In hypoadrenocorticism, insufficient cortisol and aldosterone are produced. By what other name might this disease be known?
  13. In which species and sex is Addison's disease most common?
  14. By what name might acute Addison's be known?
  15. How do the symptoms of acute and chronic Addison's differ?
  16. Why are Addisonian animals usually hyponatraemic and hyperkalaemic?
  17. What is the name of the glucocorticoid supplement used in the treatment of Addison's disease?
  18. What is the name of the mineralocorticoid supplement used in the treatment of Addison's disease?
  19. List 12 clinical signs that may be evident in a hyperthyroid cat.
  20. What tests may be used to aid a diagnosis of feline hyperthyroidism?
  21. What is the name of the drug commonly used to treat hyperthyroidism in cats?
  22. What biochemistry blood parameters must be measured for 3 days following thyroidectomy?
  23. What drug is commonly used to treat hypothyroidism in dogs?
  24. Name the 2 types of diabetes insipidus?
  25. What is the name of the hormone that is deficient in cases of central DI?
  26. What are the most common signs of DI?
  27. What urine specific gravity range would you expect to see in an animal suffering from DI?
  28. What is the name of the specific test used to diagnose DI?
  29. For how long must water be withheld during preparation for a water deprivation test?
  30. A water deprivation test should not be performed if what blood biochemistry parameter is elevated?
  31. * Describe how a water deprivation test is performed.
  32. If urine becomes concentrated during a water deprivation test, what explanation could you give for the initial low SG?
  33. * By what other name might compulsive drinking due to stress be known?
  34. What treatment might be used in cases of DI?
  35. Briefly describe the 2 types of diabetes mellitus.
  36. List the 4 main functions of insulin.
  37. Which organ produces insulin?
  38. What is often the first sign of DM?
  39. List 4 conditions that may precipitate DM.
  40. Why might an animal suffering from DM show hepatomegally?
  41. What condition of the eye is commonly seen in diabetic animals?
  42. What causes ketotic breath?
  43. Why is regular insulin normally only used in the treatment of ketoacidotic dogs?
  44. What is the name of the insulin that has a maximum action of 14-20 hours and duration of 24-36 hours?
  45. Where should insulin be stored?
  46. List 3 signs of hypoglycaemia.
  47. What action should be taken in the case of hypoglycaemia?
  48. * Why do animals with ketoacidosis vomit?
  49. Why are diabetic cats often more difficult to stabilise than dogs?
  50. List 5 possible causes of hyperglycaemia in a diabetic dog.
  51. List 3 possible causes of hypoglycaemia in a diabetic dog.
  52. Why should special care be taken when using Caninsulin?
  53. Give an example of a prescription diet suitable more feeding a diabetic dog of normal weight.