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  • Showing 10 vet nursing jobs by date posted
  • North Mymms, Brookmans Park, Hatfield AL9 7TA, UK
    Emergency & Critical Care Registered Veterinary Nurse (Fixed Term)
    10 February
    Registered Veterinary Nurse - Contract
    Pay range: £32,124 - £38,074 per year GBP
  • North Mymms, Brookmans Park, Hatfield AL9 7TA, UK
    Theatre RVN at the QMHA
    10 February
    Registered Veterinary Nurse - Permanent
    Pay range: £32,124 - £38,074 per year GBP
  • Woodville Rd, Thornton Heath CR7 8LN, UK
    RVN or Senior RVN for local South London practice No OOH
    05 February
    Registered Veterinary Nurse - Permanent
    Pay range: £29,000 - £35,000 per year GBP
    Benefits: RCVS Fees, Assoc. Subs, Funded CPD, Discount for own pets, Enhanced Paid Sick Leave, Pension
  • Manor Farm Cottages, Upton Grey, Basingstoke RG25 2RQ, UK
    03 February
    Registered Veterinary Nurse - Permanent
    Pay range: £32,000 - £38,000 per year GBP
  • United Kingdom
    Equine EPA's Level 2 required within Wales, Midlands & South West areas
    30 January
    Equine End Point Assessors (EPA Level 2) - Part Time - Permanent
  • Loughborough LE11 3GE, UK
    Part time, 25hrs/wk, hybrid role with an award winning charity.
    29 January
    Area Supervisor - Permanent
    Min offer: £21,021 per year GBP
  • Ipswich IP4 3QN, UK
    Exciting, Surgical Nursing position within a very supportive team.
    28 January
    Registered Veterinary Nurse - Permanent
    Min offer: £30,000 per year GBP
    Benefits: RCVS Fees, Funded CPD, Discount for own pets
  • North Mymms, Brookmans Park, Hatfield AL9 7TA, UK
    Anaesthesia RVN, part time, 21 hours per week at the QMHA
    28 January
    Registered Veterinary Nurse - Permanent
    Pay range: £18,674 - £22,244 per year GBP
  • Dubai - United Arab Emirates
    QVN Superstars... Utilize all of your skills in Sunny Dubai!
    21 January
    Registered Veterinary Nurse - Permanent
    Min offer: £36,500 per year GBP
    Benefits: Funded CPD, Discount for own pets, Medical Insurance, Enhanced Paid Sick Leave, Pension
  • St Anne, Guernsey GY9 3UL, Guernsey
    Live the dream working as an island community veterinary nurse.
    19 January
    Registered Veterinary Nurse - Permanent
    Min offer: £27,500 per year GBP
    Benefits: RCVS Fees, Funded CPD, Discount for own pets, Accommodation, Pension