The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

Diseases Of The Urinary System


Note that some of the questions in this section (those marked with an asterisk) are more advanced than required for the final V.N. exams. However, they are of interest to those already qualified, or studying for the Medical Diploma. Further information may be found in Part II - Laboratory Diagnostic Aids.

  1. Define the following: anuria, dysuria, oliguria, polyuria, pollakuria and tenesmus.
  2. What is the term that is used to describe inflammation of the kidney?
  3. Define the following: glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis.
  4. What is azotaemia?
  5. Azotaemia occurs if what percentage of nephrons are not filtering?
  6. What is uraemia?
  7. List 6 general signs of chronic renal failure.
  8. List 8 possible causes of acute renal failure.
  9. What medical condition is often seen in conjunction with chronic renal disease in cats?
  10. What is the name of the drug produced by Novartis Animal Health that was originally manufactured for the treatment of heart failure, and is now licensed for the treatment of chronic renal failure in cats?
  11. * What is the name of the zoonotic disease that is carried by sandflies, is common in Sardinia and Sicily and results in chronic renal failure?
  12. Give examples of 3 prescription diets suitable for the feeding of cats with chronic renal failure.
  13. List 3 properties of diets ideal for the long-term management of renal dysfunction.
  14. Give 4 reasons why animals with acute renal failure require fluid therapy.
  15. What is an ectopic ureter?
  16. What is the medical term describing inflammation of the bladder?
  17. List 3 signs of cystitis.
  18. What is the name of the condition describing the accumulation of mineral deposits in the urine that form bladder stones?
  19. Give 2 alternative names for bladder stones?
  20. What is the name of the Hills diet designed especially for the dissolution of struvite uroliths?
  21. Why does Hills S/D diet contain elevated sodium chloride levels?
  22. Give 2 examples of canine prescription diets designed as a nutritional aid for recurrent struvite urolithiasis.
  23. What is the name of the Hills diet designed for the prevention of the recurrence of calcium oxalate urolithiasis in cats?