The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

The First Aid Box - Answers


  1. List the contents of the first aid box.
    • Individually wrapped plasters.
    • Small, medium and large sterile dressings.
    • Triangular bandages.
    • White open weave bandage.
    • Fabric dressing strip.
    • Micropore tape.
    • Safety pins (at least 6).
    • Individually wrapped cleansing wipes.
    • Sterile eye pads.
    • Scissors.
    • Disposable gloves.
    • Cotton gauze.
    • Resuscitation face shield.
    • Sterile saline solution.
    • A guidance leaflet (HSE Basic Advice On First Aid At Work). Single copies are available from the HSE. Ring 01787 881165.
  2. What factors might influence the contents of the first aid kit?
    • The amount of use involved.
    • The number of personnel employed by the business.
  3. Who is responsible for checking the first aid box supplies and restocking when necessary?
    Any person can be appointed, but this must be done regularly by the same person (preferably on a daily basis). A checklist should be contained within the box; so that used items can quickly be identified and replaced. The appointed person must have a deputy who is in charge of the box during his or her absence.
  4. In addition to checking the quantities of items in the first aid box, what else should the person appointed in charge be aware of?
    • Check expiry dates of sterile items.
    • The box must NOT contain any pills, potions or lotions (with the exception of sterile saline solution).
    • Any contaminated items must be removed immediately, disposed of and replaced.
  5. List 6 possible uses of triangular bandages.
    • Slings.
    • Support of rib injuries.
    • Restraint.
    • Hand injuries.
    • Head injuries.
    • Ring pad dressings.
  6. Where should the first aid kit be located?
    In a clean, dry central position that is easily accessible to all personnel. It should be kept in the designated place at all times so that everyone is aware of its location. The accident book should be kept with it.
  7. Where should the eye wash station be located?
    At any sink with a constant supply of fresh cold water. This area must be clearly marked as such, and the sink must always be kept accessible and clean. A supply of disposable paper towels should be available.
  8. How should soiled dressings used for human first aid be disposed of?
    Handle carefully with disposable gloves and placed in a yellow clinical waste sack and sealed.
  9. If you are in any doubt as to the correct or safe usage of any item from the first aid kit, what should you do?
    Ask the appointed first aider for assistance (or in his or her absence, the deputy).
  10. State 2 organisations that offer training in basic first aid techniques.
    • The Red Cross.
    • St Johns Ambulance.