The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

Prepare For Autoclaving - Practical Task

This task will depend largely on the type of item/s that you are asked to sterilise, and the method of sterilisation.

Step 1: Equipment

First select and lay out all the equipment required.

  • Item/s to be sterilised (this could be a single instrument, selection of instruments, drape/s or gown).
  • Suitable packaging material/s.
  • Method of indication of sterilising efficiency.
  • Waterproof marker for labelling.
  • Scissors for cutting tape/nylon film if used.
  • Tape roller for removing hair/fluff from linen drapes/gowns.
  • Swabs/tape/plastic protectors to prevent sharp items from penetrating soft packaging materials.
  • Protective gloves and apron if chemical sterilisation solutions are to be used.

Step 2: Procedure

1. Collect together the equipment as specified in Step 1.

2. Instruments

  • Ensure instruments are clean, dry and free from grease and blood (grease and protein material will prevent the effective penetration of steam if an autoclave is to be used).
  • Protect any sharp points from penetrating soft packaging by utilising swabs and tape, needle caps or proprietary plastic protectors.
  • Select packaging material - see table below.

    Method of sterilisation
    Nylon film
    Seal & Peel
    Linen wrap with outer paper layer
    Box or carton

    Must have a drying cycle

    not for single instruments
    Ethylene oxide
  • Select a suitable indicator of sterilisation - see table below.
    Be careful to select the best type for the chosen sterilisation method. Remember that Browne's tubes are available to indicate changes at several different changes, and that different types of chemical strip are for use in the autoclave to those designed for use with ethylene oxide.

    Method of sterilisation
    Bowie Dick tape
    Spore test strips
    Browne's tubes
    Chemical strips

    Beige to brown

    Best method
    Ethylene oxide

    Yellow to red
  • Carefully package up your instruments; if using chemical strips - these should be placed within the packaging. Bowie Dick tape is usually used to seal up packages or a strip can be placed on the outer of the sterilising container. Browne's tubes are placed within the autoclave or oven itself, whilst spore test strips may be placed within the autoclave, oven or ethylene oxide sterilising unit.
  • Check the package for any sign of damage.
  • Label clearly with waterproof marker the date of sterilisation, contents of the package (EG cat spay kit) and your initials.
  • NB. If ethylene oxide is used, don't forget to place the gas ampoule within the polythene liner bag and seal with a metal tie.

3. Gowns & Drapes

  • Select the appropriate gown/drapes.
  • Ensure that you have a clean, flat and dry surface upon which to work.
  • Lay out the gown or drape and inspect for any evidence of dirt. If blood is found, the item should be scrubbed thoroughly in tepid water and relaundered since protein based stains will decrease the efficiency of sterilisation.
  • Remove any animal hairs or fluff with a tape roller.
  • Carefully fold the item:
  • i) Gowns - with the gown lying on the table with the inside surface facing down, lay flat, ensure arm and ties are folded onto the gown, fold in half lengthways, and again in half lengthways, then fold the top and bottom edges to the middle, then fold in half (the gown is then ready to be picked up by the inside of the collar).
    ii) Drapes - lay out flat, concertina widthways and then lengthways.
    Select suitable packing material appropriate for the type of sterilisation employed.
  • Select a suitable method of sterilisation indication appropriate for the type of sterilisation employed.
  • Carefully package up your gown/drapes.
  • Check the package for any sign of damage.
  • Label clearly with waterproof marker the date of sterilisation, contents of the package (eg. cat spay kit) and your initials.