The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

Patient Care Pre & During Surgery


  1. List the duties of the veterinary nurse upon admission of a patient for surgery.
  2. Name 3 common types of skin bacteria.
  3. When clipping around a wound, what can be used to prevent hair entering the wound?
  4. List 4 considerations to take into account when clipping up an area prior to surgery.
  5. How can small loose hairs be removed?
  6. What is the main advantage of clipping whilst the animal is under general anaesthetic?
  7. State 2 disadvantages of clipping whilst the patient is under anaesthetic.
  8. List equipment necessary for the cleaning of clippers.
  9. Name 2 surgical scrub solutions that are ideal for surgical site preparation.
  10. What is the name of the forceps used by the scrubbed surgical team to carry out the final stage of skin preparation prior to surgery?
  11. What is meant by "strike through"?
  12. When draping a surgical site, which should be the first drape to be positioned?
  13. What is meant by "sub-draping"?
  14. What is the name given to a drape that possesses a window for the surgical site?
  15. Why should chlorhexidine not be used in or around the eye?
  16. When should premedicant drugs be administered?
  17. What is the name of the type of suture used to close the anus and thus prevent faecal contamination during surgery?
  18. Under what circumstances might the use of an Esmarch bandage and tourniquet be employed?
  19. When might the use of a throat pack be indicated?
  20. State possible reasons for postponing surgery.