The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

Exotics & Wildlife - Glossary

Alula = The wing of a bird formed from the much reduced first digit that provides control during flight take off and landing; also known as the "***" wing.

Anura = The order of frogs and toads (which are members of the amphibian group).

Autotomy = Tail-shedding; may be seen in lizards handled carelessly.

Aves = The order of birds.

Buck = A male rabbit.

Bumble foot = A disease of birds caused by the Staphylococcus aureus organism resulting in swollen, painful, pus-filled lesions on the feet or digits.

Caecotrophy = Term used to describe the eating of caecal pellets (dark coloured faeces passed at night by rabbits and some rodents). This is a normal practice and ensures that all possible nutrients are extracted from the food.

Coprophagia = General term for the eating of faeces.

Carapace = The upper part of the shell of a chelonian.

Cloaca = The outside opening of the digestive, urinary and genital tract of birds; also known as the vent.

Dewlap = A large fold of skin located under the chin of female rabbits. Hair from this area is plucked and used for nest lining.

Doe = A female rabbit; also a term for a female deer.

Ectothermic = Cold-blooded; an animal unable to control its body temperature by physiological means (EG lizard).

Endothermic = Warm-blooded; an animal able to control its body temperature by physiological means such as shivering and sweating.

Filoplumes = The downy insulating feathers of birds located beneath the contour feathers.

Fledgling = A baby bird.

Fry = Young fish.

Gizzard = A thick walled chamber in the stomach of some birds that may contain grit used to grind up food; also known as the ventriculus.

Herpetology = The study of reptiles.

In pin = Describes a developing wing with a blood supply.

Invertebrate = An animal without a backbone (EG arthropod).

Jackson ratio = A method used to calculate whether chelonia are at an optimum body weight for their size.

Jesses = Aids to handling birds of prey that are attached to the legs.

Keel bone = The sternum in birds.

Myxomatosis = A disease of rabbits carried by the rabbit flea (Spilopsyllus cuniculi) that is usually fatal. Symptoms include conjunctivitis, blepharitis, subcutaneous swellings, anorexia and depression. A vaccination is available.

Open-rooted = Describes teeth that grow continually throughout life. In the wild these are worn down by gnawing, but in many domestic rodents and lagomorphs lack of a suitable diet may mean that these need regular trimming at the surgery.

Oviparous = Egg-laying (these eggs are retained within a calciferous shell).

Ovo-viviparous = Eggs are retained within the body of the female until the young are fully developed and able to lead an independent life.

Plastron = The lower part of the shell of a chelonian.

Plumage = Feathers.

PBT = Preferred body temperature. This is the temperature range at which ectothermic animals function best, and is achieved by behavioural means such as basking (to seek heat) and burrowing (to avoid heat).

Proliferative ileitis = See wet tail.

Proventriculus = The glandular stomach of a bird.

Psittacosis = A zoonotic disease of parrots and budgerigars. Symptoms in man may include fever and bronchopneumonia; also known as chlamydiosis or ornithosis.

Scaly leg/face = A disease of birds caused by the Cnemidocoptes mite resulting in raised keratinous lesions on the feet and/or cere.

Urodela = The order of newts and salamanders (which are members of the amphibian group).

Setae = The irritant hairs of arachnids such as the red-kneed tarantula.

Vent = See cloaca.

Ventriculus = See gizzard.

Vertebrate = An animal with a backbone (EG mammal).

Viral haemorrhagic disease (VHD) = A disease of rabbits that is usually fatal. Symptoms include lethargy, anorexia and haemorrhage. VHD may be responsible in cases of sudden unexplained death. A vaccination is available.

Wet tail = A common (usually fatal) disease of hamsters characterised by diarrhoea and perianal excoriation; also known as proliferative ileitis.

White spot = A disease of fish and amphibians characterised by raised white lesions; also known as Ichthyopthirius infection.