The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)



  1. Reptiles are "cold-blooded". What is the correct term for this characteristic?
  2. State 2 means in which an ectothermic animal may control its body temperature.
  3. Young reptiles (whether hatched or born) are termed "precocious". What does this mean?
  4. List requirements essential for keeping reptiles in captivity.
  5. What is the name used to describe the keeping of reptiles in captivity?
  6. What is the name of the tank in which captive reptiles are housed?
  7. List 6 features common to reptiles.
  8. State 2 species of tortoise.
  9. What is the common name for the Greek tortoise (Testudo graeca)?
  10. There are 2 common species of Mediterranean tortoise, the Greek tortoise being one example. Can you name the other?
  11. Why is it sensible to keep Mediterranean tortoises of the opposite sex apart (unless mating is required)?
  12. From what country do box tortoises originate?
  13. Why are terrapins unsuitable pets for those that have little experience or knowledge of such species?
  14. Why might the veterinary surgeon recommend that a tortoise be kept in a heated vivarium throughout the winter rather than being allowed to hibernate?
  15. Give 3 examples of chelonians.
  16. What is the correct name for the upper part of a chelonian's shell?
  17. What is the correct name for the lower part of a chelonian's shell?
  18. What is the name of the measurement used to assess the physical condition of Mediterranean tortoises?
  19. Hypovitamininosis A is common in chelonia particularly following hibernation. List clinical signs associated with this deficiency.
  20. A tortoise is hospitalised for blood tests due to post-hibernation anorexia (PHA). Why might blood uric acid levels be very high?
  21. State 2 species of snake.
  22. What is the name of the order to which snakes and lizards belong?
  23. How many functional lungs does the snake possess?
  24. Name the law under which one may be prosecuted should live vertebrate prey be fed to snakes.
  25. Why should frozen fish such as whitebait be heat-treated prior to feeding to snakes?
  26. List 5 considerations that might explain anorexia in a snake.
  27. List 5 methods that may ease the examination of a snake.
  28. Snakes may be affected by "mouth rot" and "scale rot". Can you give the medical terms for these conditions?
  29. State 2 species of lizard.
  30. State 4 reasons why lizards must be handled carefully.
  31. Name the volatile agent that may be administered safely via a facemask in lizards and via an endotracheal tube in chelonians, snakes & lizards.
  32. What is the difference between hibernation and aestivation?
  33. What is meant by autotomy? In what type of animal might this be seen and why?
  34. List various methods that may aid the restraint and examination of a belligerent iguana.