The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

The Hepatic Portal System - Answers


  1. Which system of the body is the hepatic system a part of?
    The cardiovascular system.
  2. The hepatic portal system is said to be within the systemic circulation. What is meant by this?
    Systemic means pertaining to or affecting the body as a whole; the system circulation is the circulation of the blood throughout the whole body, other than the pulmonary circulation (pertaining to the lungs).
  3. What is the function of the hepatic portal system?
    Direct transportation of the products of digestion absorbed by the gut to the liver for storage or use.
  4. Name the 3 blood vessels that enter or leave the liver.
    • Hepatic artery.
    • Hepatic portal vein.
    • Hepatic vein.
  5. How does the hepatic portal system differ from the normal rule of circulation that states blood passes from the heart through arteries to a capillary bed and then returns to the heart via veins?
    Blood within the hepatic portal system has to pass through 2 sets of capillaries before returning to the heart.
  6. Briefly describe the passage of blood through the hepatic portal system.
    • Blood moves from the heart to the capillaries of the stomach and intestine.
    • Blood then moves into the hepatic portal vein which leads it to a capillary bed within the liver.
    • Blood from the liver then drains into the hepatic vein which joins the posterior vena cava.