The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)



  1. What are the 2 main parts of a tooth? What substance coats each?
  2. What is the name of the acellular membrane which covers the enamel surface of the tooth?
  3. What is the name of the junction where the enamel tooth covering is replaced by cement which coats the root and attaches the periodontal ligament to the tooth?
  4. What is the name of the substance beneath the enamel and cement which forms the main bulk of the tooth?
  5. What is the name of the central core of the tooth?
  6. What is the name of the socket where the tooth root is deeply seated within the gum?
  7. What are deciduous teeth?
  8. How many incisors do adult dogs and cats possess?
  9. List 4 functions of the incisors.
  10. What is the name of the largest single rooted teeth lying caudal to the incisors?
  11. What is the function of the canines?
  12. How many canines do adult dogs and cats possess?
  13. What is the relationship between the incisors and canines known as?
  14. List 3 functions of the premolars.
  15. What is the name given to the teeth that are the upper 4th premolar and lower 1st molar in dogs, and the upper 3rd premolar and lower 1st molar in cats?
  16. What is the main function of the carnassial teeth?
  17. What is the name of the most caudal teeth whose function is that of chewing and grinding?
  18. Explain how the dentition of cats and dogs is directly related to their natural diet.
  19. How many teeth do puppies and kittens possess?
  20. How many teeth do adult dogs and cats possess?
  21. At what age do the deciduous teeth begin to erupt in puppies and kittens?
  22. At what age do the roots of the deciduous teeth resorb, the crowns fall out and the permanent teeth erupt?
  23. What are the first deciduous teeth to be replaced?
  24. State the dental formula of a puppy.
  25. State the dental formula of a kitten.
  26. State the dental formula of an adult dog.
  27. State the dental formula of an adult cat.
  28. Explain the following terms: rostral/mesial, caudal/distal, lingual, palatal, labial, buccal and occlusal.
  29. Define the following terms: gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease.
  30. What is the difference between dental calculus and dental plaque?
  31. What is the term used to describe abnormal positioning and relationship between the teeth?
  32. Rabbit teeth are described as "open rooted"; what is meant by this?
  33. State the dental formula of a rabbit.
  34. An owner visits the surgery with a new puppy. List 6 measures that you would advise in order to ensure healthy teeth and gums.