The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

Resuscitation Procedures - Key Notes

When to take action - Inform the veterinary surgeon

Area Monitored Normal Abnormal
Respiratory pattern Regular Dyspnoea, irregular or ceased respiration
Respiratory rate 10-30bpm in cats and dogs Bradypnoea or tachypnoea
Respiratory depth Chest and reservoir bag movement observed Breathing becomes shallow
Heart rate 60-180bpm in the dog 110-180bpm in the cat The heart stops beating and the apex beat cannot be detected by auscultation
Pulse rate and depth Regular Pulse deficit, rhythm alters or becomes irregular
Mucous membranes Pink in colour Pale, cyanotic (blue) or ashen in colour
Capillary refill time Less than 2 seconds Greater than 2 seconds
Temperature 38.3-38.7 degrees C in the dog
38-38.5 degrees C in the cat
Pyrexia, hyperthermia or hypothermia


Also inform the veterinary surgeon in the event of equipment failure or any matter which gives rise to concern.