The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

General Post-Operative Care - Key Notes

This is an example of a client information sheet that may be useful following general surgery.

Patient………………………………….. Date………………………..

Your pet has received a sedative/general anaesthetic and it is possible that this may cause drowsiness. Please note that the effects of premedicant and anaesthetic drugs may remain in the body for up to 72 hours.

  • Wound care - If a wound is present, please discourage your pet from licking, biting or scratching since this may delay the healing process. Please check wounds daily for any signs of swelling, odour, discharge, redness or discomfort. Elizabethan collars are available from the surgery if required.
  • Diet - A bland meal is recommended the evening after a general anaesthetic. The surgery has provided a suitable diet, but if preferred you may offer a small proportion of your pet's regular food. It is not unusual for the appetite to be suppressed following general anaesthesia. In some cases the veterinary surgeon will advise the feeding of a special prescription diet. Full instructions will be given in such instances. Please report any incidences of vomiting or diarrhoea immediately.
  • Exercise - Dogs should be kept on a lead whilst outdoors until the veterinary surgeon has checked any wound. Cats should be kept indoors with a litter tray for at least 48 hours, or until the veterinary surgeon has checked any wound. Please try to keep your pet as calm as possible and prevent jumping up onto furniture or running up and down stairs.
  • Clipping - A small area of fur will have been clipped from the forelimb in order to facilitate the administration of an anaesthetic agent. Hair will also have been clipped from the operation site. In addition, if your pet has had a blood test, fur may have been clipped from the neck region.
  • Coughing - Your pet may experience a dry cough for a few days following surgery. This could be due to the insertion of an anaesthetic tube. If the cough persists or is causing distress, please contact the surgery.
  • IN AN EMERGENCY - Once home, if worried, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Your pet requires an examination in ……… days time. Please ensure that you have made an appointment.

Stitches are due to be removed in ……… days time.