The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

Blood Cells


  1. What are red blood cells also collectively known as?
  2. What are white blood cells also collectively known as?
  3. What are platelets also known as?
  4. What is polychromasia?
  5. What is crenation?
  6. What are Howell Jolly bodies? State 2 conditions in which they might be seen.
  7. What are rouleaux?
  8. What are reticulocytes?
  9. What are target cells, and when might they be seen?
  10. What term describes varying sizes of red blood cells?
  11. What is meant by PCV?
  12. What conditions may result in an increased PCV?
  13. What conditions may result in a decreased PCV?
  14. List the types of white blood cells.
  15. What suffix generally means an increase in the usual number of cells?
  16. What suffix generally means in a decrease in the usual number of cells?
  17. What is meant by polycythaemia?
  18. Describe the role of lymphocytes.
  19. Describe the role of monocytes.
  20. Give 2 examples of conditions that may result in eosinophilia.
  21. Give 2 examples of conditions that may result in eosinopaenia.
  22. Which cells are also known as granulocytes?
  23. What conditions may result in neutrophilia?
  24. What cell type may increase in cases of chronic tissue damage or myeloid leukaemias?
  25. State the normal red and white cell count ranges in dogs and cats.