The Revision Guide for Student Nurses (Part I)

Enteral Nutrition


  1. What is the difference between enteral and parenteral nutrition?
  2. A hospitalised patient is reluctant to feed; how could you make the diet more palatable?
  3. What complication may arise from syringe feeding?
  4. Why might feeding by a stomach tube be dangerous?
  5. What is the best proprietary diet for feeding via a naso-gastric or naso-oesophageal tube and why?
  6. In addition to Reanimyl, list other proprietary diets suitable for assisted feeding.
  7. What properties make the diets listed in question 6 suitable for assisted feeding?
  8. List 8 conditions that may necessitate force or assisted feeding.
  9. What percentage dehydration shows a noticeable loss of skin elasticity?
  10. Name 4 fluids suitable for oral rehydration.
  11. What do the fluids in Q10 have in common?
  12. What are the disadvantages of oral rehydration?
  13. What tranquilliser may be used as an appetite stimulant in cats suffering partial anorexia?
  14. Describe where a pharyngostomy tube is placed.
  15. What is a PEG tube?

Note: A Key Notes section about feeding tubes accompanies this module.