
Taking Payment

A few clients feel that veterinary fees are over-priced. Luckily, these clients are rare, and recent surveys have proven that cost is not top of a customer's list of priorities when choosing a veterinary surgery. Far more important are the quality of service offered and confidence in the standard of clinical care.

  • Never feel embarrassed about asking for payment. Fees are justified. A practice that doesn't charge proper fees cannot very well look after animals!
  • When estimating costs in advance, it can be useful to slightly over-estimate. The client will be pleased if the eventual price is lower than originally estimated. But be careful not to over-estimate by too much, as it may cause some clients to shop around for a better price.
  • If a client expresses concern about their finances, don't be frightened to explain that short-cuts are not cost-effective long term. For instance, a client has a flea infestation. She only wants to buy a topical medication to use on the dog, and not spend more money on an environmental product. If you take the time to explain that only 5% of the flea population is actually on the dog itself, and the problem will never fully resolve unless the environment is also treated, then it should be apparent that it is a false economy to scrimp.
  • As a general rule, payment should be made at the time of treatment, but if you do offer instalment plans and/or the facility to process direct insurance claims, then you should be familiar with the settlement terms and conditions that are to be upheld by the customer.
  • If a client does not pay at the time of treatment it is very sensible to make a note on the clinical records as to why. Also establish when the client does intend to pay and by what means. Print an invoice and hand it to the client before he or she leaves the premises. Take responsibility for the problem, and follow this up with a phone call if payment is still not forthcoming.
  • When chasing up debts it is helpful to be able to offer to take payment by credit or debit card over the telephone.
  • When sending out invoices, enclosing a pre-paid envelope will increase the probability of a prompt payment.