
Coping With Loss Yourself

How often do you hear people say: "Oh, I love animals. I couldn't do your job. How do you cope having to see pets die?"

I've been working in practice for over 13 years, and it still hurts when I assist with euthanasia or am witness to a death at the surgery. My boss has always said that to feel emotional is normal, and if the day comes that you become hardened and stop caring, you should probably not be working in a veterinary practice. The following tips may help:

  • Remember that euthanasia is only ever performed on humane or legal grounds and is never carried out unnecessarily.
  • Appreciate that it is normal to be upset (but do be brave in front of the clients - they need you to be strong).
  • Talk to other colleagues if you are feeling depressed. We all have to go through the same trauma. To know that you are not suffering alone can give you strength.
  • Some circumstances may prove to be especially traumatic: maybe you've lost one of your own pets recently or have formed a special bond with a patient that you have been caring for. If you do not feel up to assisting do not feel that it is weak to ask a colleague to help instead.