Google has launched Google for Jobs, a new search tool which presents the jobseeker with a list of jobs from a variety of different sources, including VetNurse Jobs.

Now, when you search Google for something which includes the word 'job' or 'jobs', Google presents an easy-to-filter list of local vacancies. You can also search in other locations.

One of the criteria for a job advert to be listed in Google for Jobs is that it must first have appeared on a webpage written with special code which allows the search engine to read the advert correctly.

VetNurse Jobs has been upgraded to include this code, and jobs advertised on are now appearing on Google for Jobs.

VetNurse Editor Arlo Guthrie said: "We've known this was coming for some time, so we made sure VetNurse Jobs would be ready as soon as Google unveiled the new system.

It has yet to be seen how widely Google for Jobs will be used by veterinary nurses looking for a job. Back in the day, you'd have to wait for the latest copy of Vet Times to arrive in the post in order to find a job. Then came the internet, and with it a small handful of job websites worth checking for VN vacancies, of which VetNurse Jobs is one.

Now, Google for Jobs provides one-stop search from most of the big players, although not all veterinary job boards are compatible with the new system and notably Indeed is excluded from Google for Jobs search results.

The question now is whether jobseekers will continue to go directly to their favourite job website, or search google first. Either way, though, you'll find jobs advertised on!

What do you think of the new Google for Jobs feature? Comment below.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vet nurses.