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The College says that the number of veterinary nurses removed at the beginning of this year is significantly down from 2016 when 692 VNs were removed for non-payment.
Throughout the course of last year’s renewal period emails and texts were sent to members of the profession reminding them that the fee was due for payment on or before 31 December. Letters were also sent to those for whom the College holds neither an email address nor mobile telephone number.
The College has now published a list with the names of all those veterinary nurses who have been removed from the Register and who have not, as of Friday 13 January, been restored.
It is recommended that practices check the list (available to download from to ensure that any veterinary nurses they employ are on the Register and are therefore able to carry out medical treatment and minor acts of veterinary surgery as defined under Schedule 3 of the Veterinary Surgeons Act.
Those who have been removed from the Register of Veterinary Nurses and who wish to apply to be restored can do so by contacting the RCVS Registration Department on 020 7202 0707 or
PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vet nurses.