The British Veterinary Nursing Association has issued some practical advice concerning the coronavirus outbreak and the steps veterinary nurses should be taking.The British Veterinary Nursing Association has issued some practical advice concerning the coronavirus outbreak and the steps veterinary nurses should be taking.

First and foremost the Association says the profession should only provide urgent and emergency care, that is treatment which cannot wait three weeks. 

The Association also highlights in the importance of veterinary nurses leading by example when it comes to social distancing. 

Other advice includes: 

  • Splitting teams to the absolute minimum you need in your practice. Try and keep the same teams together to minimise cross over

  • Triage and take history over the phone. Consider using video calls to consult remotely.

  • Encourage clients to email prescription requests, give yourselves more time to achieve this – your standard 24-hour turnaround can be adapted!

  • If you are posting prescriptions, aim to reduce this to one postal drop off each week.

  • Encourage clients to wait in the car until you are ready for them to come in for their appointment and consider only bringing the pet into the clinic.

  • Encourage payments over the phone and avoid cash transactions where possible.

  • Work from home as much as possible.

  • Reduce the footfall of clients to your practice, protect your staff. Be responsible for encouraging the public to not come into the vets unless it is an emergency.

  • Practice good infection control procedures. We are nurses, we are better than most at this!

BVNA President, Jo Hinde said: "I implore all veterinary staff to follow current advice and make changes so you can do your bit to limit the spread of Covid-19. These government-imposed restrictions are non-negotiable for the next three weeks. Let’s all work together to help save lives and be a part of the solution and not the problem."

The BVNA offers further support for veterinary nurses in the form of the members advisory service, and for nurses facing financial hardship, the Daphne Shipman Benevolent fund.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vet nurses.