The guides have been developed for vet teams to share with their clients and work through together, so that both sides are on the same page about owner values, pet welfare and behaviour, and diagnosis and treatment options.
A member of the veterinary team and the client can then work together to make decisions and provide quality care.
One of the pet owners who helped develop the guides said: “I always get so worked up with vet consultations that I forget half of what they say, or feel like I didn’t tell them enough about my pet’s history.
"If the vet used these guides at my next consult, they would make me feel very at ease indeed!”
Pam Mosedale, Clinical Lead at RCVS Knowledge, said: “These guides offer a simple, actionable way to help deliver contextualised care in practice.
"To get started, run through the questions in the guide with a client, and see how this can help you devise a treatment plan with the information you’ve discovered.
"This helps you gain a fuller understanding of your patient’s care and wellbeing needs and your client’s circumstances and expectations.
"Ultimately, this will assist you in delivering quality care that aligns with the needs and expectations of your clients.”
There are three contextualised care discussion guides:
RCVS Knowledge is encouraging veterinary teams to adapt the guides to meet their individual needs.
Anything which helps clear communication between the owner and vet is surely to be applauded, and if owners are prepared to spend the time completing the pre-consultation guide, it would surely leave less room for error.
However, arguably the greatest cause of friction between owners and vets is cost, and that is something only mentioned fleetingly, in the context of: 'Are there any other factors that may impact on the care of your pet? e.g planned holidays or financial concerns'.
Isn't it time to stop beating around the bush?
Isn't there an opportunity here for greater clarity over the level of spending a client is happy with?
Is there an acceptable form of words here to ascertain whether - regardless of whether they have financial concerns or not - the client is one of those who wants the cheapest solution to the problem, one for whom money is no object, or someone who sits somewhere in the middle?
Wouldn't that be more instructive than almost anything else?
The opening speaker will be Cassie Leonard (pictured), engineer, best-selling author and executive coach, who will be talking about the value of authentic networking.
The programme, which includes a combination of lectures, panel sessions and interactive workshops, will cover:
On the Saturday, there's a dedicated ‘Grow your business’ day for those thinking of starting up or expanding their business.
New for 2025 will be a Friday morning collaborative ‘Business Club Live’ speed-networking session: an opportunity to discuss a variety of issues on hosted tables.
Also new for 2025 will be a dedicated livestock stream focussing on the unique challenges faced by livestock veterinary professionals.
The accompanying exhibition will host a selection of companies focussed on the business, management, marketing and client-facing aspects of veterinary practice and offering the latest products, services and advice.
Social events include Thursday afternoon's Happy Hour followed by a networking event and Friday night’s Presidents’ party with a reception, 3-course meal and a performance by the party band The Kings.
The new centre, based at The Harrogate Vet, will be Vetskill- and RCVS-approved and will specialise in training student nurses and patient care assistants.
CVTC Harrogate will offer a day release classroom-based Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing, along with online courses - including a Level 2 certificate in Veterinary Care Support and Level 5 Advanced Veterinary Nurse Diploma courses in Practice Nurse and Emergency and Critical Care.
Jackie Evans, Head of the CVTC Harrogate centre said: “We are delighted to be opening a third centre for veterinary nurse training.
"This will provide accessible training and highest quality training courses for veterinary nurses and veterinary care assistances in the Northeast region.”
The first cohort of students are due to start at CVTC Harrogate in autumn 2024.
Students wishing to apply for a places should visit or email
In the online survey of 392 dog owners, which was conducted Companion Consultancy, 64.5% of owners said their dog has suffered from gastrointestinal upset.
51.8% said they used home cooked chicken and rice to manage their dog's digestive upset.
28.6% sought veterinary advice.
18.8% used a pre and probiotic, despite half of the respondents thinking they would be useful.
Veterinary nurse and sales manager at Vita, Tara Evans, said: “We know that digestive upset is very common in dogs, and almost two thirds of the survey respondents identified that scavenging was the primary cause of upset.
"We want to help support pet owners in knowing how they can best look after their pet in these situations, and provide them with both educational resources and an effective product.
“Education is key in helping owners make the best choices for their dogs.
"Changing their diet in a time of digestive upset isn’t always the best option, so it’s important that we provide owners with up-to-date information."
74-year-old Ms Nicholls, who retired over two years ago, faced three charges against her regarding the surgical removal of a microchip from a cat in December 2021, the failure to disclose the procedure to her employer and associated accusations of dishonesty.
At the outset of the hearing Ms Nicholls made an application to adjourn the hearing while undertaking to voluntarily remove herself from the Register, to never seek to reapply to join the Register and to supply a witness statement in respect of a separate RCVS investigation into the conduct of a veterinary surgeon.
Her application was made on the basis of her age, the fact that she had a 40-year unblemished career in veterinary nursing, that she has retired, that she had referred herself to the College and engaged with the investigation process, that she had undertaken the procedure under the direction of a veterinary surgeon, that there was no financial gain and that the alleged misconduct related to a single animal.
The RCVS did not oppose the application.
Dr Kathryn Peaty MRCVS, chairing the Committee and speaking on its behalf, said: “The Committee noted that the respondent has a long and unblemished career, also that she had self-referred and cooperated with the College and was prepared to act as a witness in other proceedings.
"However, it regarded those matters as going to the proper conduct of a professional and not of particular weight in the application.
“Although the Committee noted that the evidence tended to show that the respondent had acted at the direction of a veterinary surgeon, it considered that this did not outweigh the respondent’s own professional obligations in the relevant events.
"Further, this factor did not touch on the dishonesty allegation.
“The Committee did, in the respondent’s favour, place weight on the fact that this had been a singular event of clinical failing during the course of a long career.
"Further, the associated dishonesty the Committee assessed at being at the lower end of the scale, on the face of the College’s evidence.
"It considered that the expectation that veterinary nurses act with honesty in working with others was important, and so the lack of financial benefit did not have a great deal of impact, given the circumstances.\
“However, the Committee noted that the respondent had eventually corrected the understanding of her employer and admitted what she had done.
"Importantly, it was clear that the respondent had admitted her failings to the College in her subsequent dealings with the College.”
She added: “Taking all matters into consideration and in particular the singular nature of the clinical event and dishonesty at the low end of the scale, the Committee placed weight on the fact that removal of the respondent’s registration together with an undertaking to never re-apply exceeded the potential sanction which could be imposed, following any hearing.
"The Committee also brought into the balance the respondent’s own interests, in not continuing to be subject to the proceedings.
"The Committee also noted that the College did not oppose the application.
“The Committee considered that an informed member of the public, if aware of the full facts of the case and the application, would not be alarmed or concerned if the application is granted and public confidence in the profession would not be undermined.
"The Committee decided to accede to the application and accept the respondent’s undertakings.”
The survey of 2067 past or present adult dog owners, of which 1,170 had experienced the loss of a dog, also found that about half had experienced barriers to opening up about their feelings following the death of their pet.
Some of the reasons given for not opening up included believing others wouldn’t understand their feelings (22%), fear of being judged for being upset (15%), feeling embarrassed about their levels of distress (12%) and not being able to find the right words to describe their feelings (13%).
74% felt they could turn to close family to share feelings of grief over the loss of the dog, but only 13% felt they could discuss it with employers and colleagues.
Samantha Davis, Legacy and In-Memory Manager at Dogs Trust, says: “The loss of a pet dog can be as devastating as losing a family member.
"Dogs hold a special place in our hearts, offering unconditional love and companionship, and when they pass away, the grief can be profound and, sadly for some, isolating.
“It's really important that owners who experience the loss of their canine companions can open up and share their feelings with friends and family.
"Many will find solace in knowing they are not alone."
To support people who have lost a dog, Dogs Trust is holding a 3.5km walk to bring people together to share their memories of their beloved animal.
Walk for Our Old Friends (WOOF) will take place in Salcey Forest, Northampton, on Sunday 6th October 2024 between 4pm-7pm.
As walkers make their way through the forest, there will be opportunities for moments of remembrance and celebration.
The charity will also provide support resources for those participating with a team onsite as well as online information to help people cope with their loss.
Dogs Trust is also providing online resources for people to organise their own walk in memory of their much missed four legged friends.
Was this survey desperately flawed, or has our relationship with our dogs become unhealthily anthropomorphic?
It's hard to think of any other explanation for why such large proportion of people equate the death of a dog with the death of a brother, sister, parent or child.
Surely the death of a close family member is in an altogether different league than the death of even the most beloved dog.
If people are developing unhealthily close relationships with their animals, the question is why?
Are they being pushed by commercial interests which encourage people to think of themselves as 'pet parents' in order that they feel compelled to spend more on their 'child'.
Or is there some other factor in play?
Does it matter anyway?
Perhaps not.
But more and more we hear stories of people saddling themselves with crippling levels of debt on treatment because they cannot face the inevitable.
Perhaps it is time to return to a more healthy, more matter-of-fact relationship with our pets.
No less loving, just tempered by the acceptance of the fact that it is not human. It's a dog.
Dr Radev faced three charges concerning his treatment of an American Bulldog in 2021.
The first charge, which contained a number of sub-charges, was that he failed to provide appropriate and adequate care to the animal.
The second was that he failed to keep adequate records.
The final charge was that his failure to keep records was misleading and dishonest.
At the outset of the hearing Dr Radev admitted that, having recognised free fluid in the dog’s abdomen, he failed to take adequate and appropriate action and failed to aspirate the dog’s abdomen with regards to the possibility of it having septic peritonitis.
He also admitted writing the clinical notes approximately two months after the event.
After considering and rejecting an application by the RCVS to amend and withdraw elements of the first charge, the Committee then considered each of the remaining sub-charges in turn.
Sub-charge 1(a) was that Dr Radev repeatedly administered meloxicam to the dog when it had recently undergone intestinal surgery and had a recent history of vomiting.
The Committee found that this was not proven.
Dr Radev said it had been administered just once and the Committee was not satisfied so as to be sure that it was repeatedly administered.
Sub-charge 1(b) (i) was that Dr Radev failed to recognise free fluid in the dog’s abdomen as shown on an ultrasound scan.
The Committee found this not proven.
Sub-charge 1(c) (i) was that Dr Radev failed to recognise the possibility of septic peritonitis in the dog.
Sub-charge 1(e) was that Dr Radev failed to provide a full medical history when referring the dog to a different practice.
The Committee found the charge not proven.
Regarding charge 2 (ii), that Dr Radev had failed to include in clinical records a reference to the colonotomy surgery, the Committee found this charge not proven as it had been provided with clinical records disproving this charge.
Finally, regarding both aspects of charge 3, namely that Dr Radev had acted misleadingly and dishonesty, the Committee found this not proven.
The Committee then considered whether the charges that Dr Radev had admitted amounted to gross misconduct in a professional respect.
In all cases it found that, while Dr Radev’s conduct had fallen below what was expected of veterinary professionals, it did not fall so far below as to constitute serious professional misconduct.
The new app has been specifically developed for CVS, is unique to the group, and is owned by the company.
It is powered by LocumBell technology.
When registering on the app, locums can input their work preferences - including their skills, desired travel radius and preferred shift times - so that they are only served up shift advertisements relevant to them.
Users can also set up notifications for upcoming jobs.
The app then allows locums to set minimum shift rates, submit the rate they would like to receive for a shift and negotiate their fees directly with a practice.
Shifts can be then be booked or cancelled on the app at the touch of a button.
All upcoming booked shifts appear on the users’ calendar.
Once a shift has been completed, locums can submit the invoice for their work using the app.
The app allows locums to see every CVS practice invoice and its status, which CVS says will allow queries to be resolved quicker and payments issued faster.
The app is being rolled out to all of CVS's practices from this August.
Amy Hughes, Head of Recruitment at CVS, said: “Locum administration can be time-consuming – as locums first have to identify work, liaise with a practice and our central support team, to negotiate and book a shift, then complete all invoice paperwork.
"We wanted to remove that pain and make it easier for locums to work with us.
The app is available for Apple devices on the App Store and for Android devices on the Play Store.
For any technical difficulties or assistance, contact: or call 0161 556 7685.
The posters are designed to educate clients about what their pet should be drinking on a daily basis, according to their weight.
The company has also prepared a rehydration social media pack with content for practices to use on their social media feeds.
Posters can be requested and social media packs downloaded at:
Cortotic contains hydrocortisone aceponate (HCA), a diester glucocorticosteroid to reduce inflammation.
In a clinical field study, published in Veterinary Dermatology, Cortotic was shown to be as effective in treating acute otitis as a fixed-combination product containing a corticosteroid, an antibiotic and an antifungal, with an equivalent improvement of clinical and cytological scores1.
A secondary reduction of bacterial and yeast overgrowth was demonstrated and a concomitant treatment with an antimicrobial was unnecessary.
The product was shown to provide rapid relief from clinical signs, pruritus and pain1.
Virbac says the lipophilic nature of the HCA diester provides enhanced penetration into the skin, a reservoir effect and low plasma availability for high local activity with reduced systemic secondary effects2.
Chris Newark, Product Manager at Virbac said: "With Cortotic we’re excited to offer clinicians the ability to reduce antimicrobial usage when treating otitis externa in dogs, whilst offering the same efficacy as a fixed-combination product.
"The product’s easy administration also makes it an attractive choice for pet owners with 94% of owners stating that they would choose to use Cortotic again3".
Cortotic is presented in an ear spray device with atraumatic cannula, which delivers a fine mist spray for even application.
Dosing is 2 pumps per application, whatever the dog’s size, once a day for 7-14 days.
This, say the authors, could lead to shorter hospitalisation time and less stress for donor cats.
For the study, researchers at the Royal Veterinary College measured the systolic blood pressure of 100 client-owned cats which had been randomly assigned to receive IVFT or no fluid after blood donation.
Owners were also contacted following donation to record any changes in their cat.
The results showed no significant difference in blood pressure between cats that received post-donation IVFT and those that didn't.
The main reported changes were minor bruising at the venepuncture site and mild lethargy, with no significant difference between the IVFT and no-IVFT groups.
These findings suggest that IVFT post-blood donation may not be necessary, as haemodynamic stability appears to be maintained despite the loss of blood.
Dr Guedra Allais, lead author of the study, said: "Our study showed no significant difference in blood pressure at different time points in feline donors that received intravenous fluid compared to others that didn’t receive any fluid.
"Other perfusion parameters such as capillary refill time, heart rate and pulse quality were not evaluated, and we recommend considering intravenous fluid in any feline donors if any major changes are detected on post donation physical examination.”
The group will also be supporting members in how to reflect on their CPD as a way of consolidating learning, and considering plans for how the benefits of CPD and the VetGDP can be communicated to the professions.
RCVS Council member Dr Olivia Cook MRCVS will be chairing the group.
She said: “The Engagement Group has been set up in recognition that, although the majority of the professions are engaged with meeting their CPD requirements and completing the VetGDP, there are still those who feel confused about the requirements or remain uncompliant for other reasons, and we would like very much to help them.
“Therefore, this is an exciting opportunity for anyone who wants to play an active part in advancing veterinary standards by ensuring that as many members of the professions as possible have the benefits of lifelong learning in their own practice and their ongoing work for animal health and welfare. In doing so they will help grow public confidence in the professions.
“From the VetGDP perspective, we’re particularly keen that there’s a strong peer-to-peer element, so that those who are doing the VetGDP, or have just recently completed it, are using their recent experience and understanding to evolve the policy and drive engagement.”
Applicants who are interested will have until Friday 30 August to apply to become members of the CPD and VetGDP Engagement Group and are invited to send a concise email to explaining their experience and how they feel that can contribute to work of the committee.
The hub has been launched after research conducted by the company found that the most common reason for nurses resigning was career progression1.
CVS says it hopes the breadth of development, training and support on the new Nursing Hub will further advance colleagues’ skills and knowledge, develop their career pathways, and empower nurses to take on more responsibilities.
The hub comprises a range of peer-reviewed courses, training and support, including the facility for nurses to develop their own personal career pathway.
Courses range from ‘bite sized’ short courses, professional gyms, guides and webinars, to longer ‘in-depth’ courses and Level 5 certificate programmes.
Tara Ryan, Chief Veterinary Nursing Officer at CVS Group, said: “This new hub brings together all of our nursing resources, training and support required by our colleagues – wherever they work.
"And for the first time it’s easy to access and all in one place.
"We hope that our veterinary nursing colleagues find it helpful and supportive – and that it inspires them to be the nurse they want to be.”
All veterinary surgeons, nurses and students over the age of 18 were invited to participate by email, which elicited 2,781 complete responses and a further 631 partial responses, 1682 from vets, 328 from vet students, 1,369 from nurses and 553 from student vet nurses.
80% of respondents were female, 16.8% male, 1.4% non-binary, 0.8% genderfluid and 0.9% preferred not to say or to self describe.
93.3% were white, 2% were Asian or Asian British, 0.6% were black, black British, Caribbean or African.
The remainder identified as 'other ethnic group', mixed or multiple ethnic groups, or preferred not to say.
90.4% of participants worked within clinical veterinary practice, three-quarters in small animal practice.
Almost two-thirds worked part time.
Paradoxically, although around 50% of respondents described their physical or mental health as 'good' or 'very good', 75.6% considered themselves to have at least one disability or chronic condition (61% chronic, 48% physical, 39% mental health and 30% neurodivergent).
Female veterinary surgeons were significantly more likely to suffer from a mental health condition (48.3%) than males (19.2%).
Mental health conditions were far more common amongst the young (51% of those aged 18-29), than the old (28% of 50-59 year olds, declining to 9% of 70-79 year olds)
Veterinary nurses were more likely to say they have a mental health condition (47.3%), than veterinary surgeons (27.9%).
As with mental health, the proportion of respondents identifying as neurodivergent decreased with age (42.3% of respondents aged 18-29 vs 6.7% of those in the 70-79 age group).
Whilst overall, 29.8% identify as neurodivergent, the figure was notably higher (83.3%) amongst those who identify as non-binary or genderfluid.
The number of people with a physical condition varied less with age and gender, although of course, broadly speaking, age brings with it an increase in physical problems.
60% of participants said they are affected by their disability/chronic condition every day, and 68% agreed or strongly agreed that they had to make significant changes to their life to continue working.
The most frequently reported symptoms of disability/chronic condition were mental health (45.2%), pain (36.4%), learning, understanding or concentrating (33.8%), and stamina or energy limitations (32.3%).
When asked if they were treated different at work because of their disability or chronic condition, 49.5% said they had not and 34.7% said they had.
Of those who felt they had been treated differently, 45% thought that disclosing their condition had contributed to this.
18% of those in education and 36% of those in work said they had experienced discrimination, bullying or harassment because of their disability/chronic condition.
Discrimination, bullying or harassment was more likely to be reported by those with a mental health condition or who identify as neurodivergent (47% and 46%), than those with a physical or chronic condition (38% and 37%)
Perceived discrimination, bullying or harassment was most likely to have come from managers (76%) and colleagues (64%) compared to clients and 'other' (15%).
63% of respondents believed there was a strong or moderate understanding of the Equality Act at their workplace but 12% thought their employer had no knowledge or understanding.
45% thought their employer had strong or moderate understanding of the Access to Work scheme, while 27% reported no understanding at their workplace.
Examples of good practice were given by some respondents about their existing or previous workplaces. These included reasonable adjustments such as adjusted working hours, environment and task adaptations, alongside good communication, support (from colleagues, managers and external sources), and additional resources.
Gurpreet Gill, Leadership and Inclusion Manager at the RCVS, said: “While there are some sobering elements in this report, and some clear and unfortunate examples of poor practice and discrimination, the overwhelming feeling is that there is goodwill and a desire to help people out there in the professions, but sometimes a lack of understanding and knowledge on how best to do this.
"Of course, there are also some excellent examples of good practice in terms of putting in place adjustments and accommodations for employees and staff with disabilities, as well as for students on placements.
“Overall, this should be taken as a call for more members of the professions to familiarise themselves with the Equality Act 2010 ( and its provisions.
Under this legislation, it is unlawful to discriminate against people with protected characteristics, including disability.
"The act sets out the legal requirement for workplaces and educational institutions, among others, to make reasonable adjustments to avoid disabled people being placed at a disadvantage.
“We will now be considering how we, as the regulator and Royal College, can best support members of the professions in understanding their rights and responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010, and what further training and education can be provided, looking at the RCVS Academy as a potential vehicle for doing so.”
Olivia Anderson-Nathan, a Director of BVCIS added: “Overall, the report demonstrates that although there are systemic issues that require a shift in workplace culture, there may be some relatively ‘easy wins’.
"For example, improving line manager knowledge of the Equality Act and providing reasonable adjustments that are typically inexpensive and simple to implement, such as providing seating and ergonomic equipment, and rota or shift changes.
"Many changes, like flexible working, will actually benefit everyone.
"Most importantly, employers and educators need to make sure that those with disabilities, neurodivergence, and chronic illnesses understand their rights and are given positive support to identify their needs.
"This means co-designing individualised adjustments and avoiding a one size fits all approach.
“BVCIS will continue our work to educate the profession, offering support and guidance for anyone not sure where to start.
"We also offer community support through our Veterinary Spoonholders Facebook page for disabled, chronically ill and/or neurodivergent people in the veterinary world so – please do come and join us if any of the experiences detailed in the report resonate with you.”
Mr Shillabeer faced five charges which largely related to his alleged prescription of contra-indicated NSAIDs and corticosteroids.
He was also charged with prescribing frusemide to a pregnant dog when there was no evidence of a benefit of so doing.
He was also charged with performing inadequate spay surgery.
Mr Shillabeer did not admit to any of the charges, engaged with the College and responded to all requests for information, as well as being present in-person at the hearing.
He made an application to the Committee to dispose of the matter by way of adjournment, subject to the Committee accepting his written undertaking to remove his name from the Register and never to apply to be restored to the Register.
In support of his application, Mr Shillabeer’s legal counsel referred to his client’s witness statement, which set out that he had previously attempted to sell his practice but had been unsuccessful and that he had since closed it.
His legal counsel also asked the Committee to consider the fact that Mr Shillabeer is almost 85 years old and has had an unblemished 60-year career, has had no previous disciplinary findings against him, had put his practice up for sale and made efforts to guide his previous clients to ensure continuity of care elsewhere, and that he deeply regrets anything he has done, which has failed to protect the welfare of animals, or has caused concern or upset to his clients and fellow members of the profession.
Mr Shillabeer's counsel also asked the Committee to take into consideration that his undertakings would have the effect of protecting the welfare of animals and uphold the reputation of the profession as Mr Shillabeer is no longer in practice.
He stated it would be not proportionate, or in the public interest, for there to be a lengthy contested hearing resulting in substantial costs for both the RCVS and Mr Shillabeer.
The College’s legal representative stated that the RCVS did not oppose the application, and that it took a neutral stance.
She highlighted that Mr Shillabeer’s removal from the Register, together with his undertaking never to apply for restoration, would go far beyond anything the Committee could direct by way of sanction after a full enquiry, that Mr Shillabeer retired from practice on 23 July 2024 and does not intend to return, that a full enquiry would take a significant amount of time and expense, that the complainant supports the case being dealt with in the manner proposed by Mr Shillabeer, and that there are no previous findings against Mr Shillabeer.
Paul Morris, chairing the Committee and speaking on its behalf, said: “Taking into account the undertaking never to practice again, in conjunction with all of the circumstances and context set out, the Committee considered that by allowing the application, such an outcome would be sufficient to uphold the public interest, confidence in the profession and the RCVS as regulator, and protect the welfare of animals.
“As a result of all the factors set out, the Committee decided that this is not a case in which the public interest or the welfare of animals demands that there be a full hearing.
“Taking into account proportionality and weighing in the balance all the circumstances of the case, the interests of justice, the public interest, the need to uphold proper standards of conduct and performance, and the need to protect the welfare of animals, the Committee decided to grant the respondent’s application.”
Mr Shillabeer was removed from the Register with immediate effect.
The annual three-day event takes place between Friday 11th – Sunday 13thOctober 2024 at the Telford International Centre.
This year’s theme is ‘Progression’ to inspire reflection on how far the profession has come and enable blue-sky conversations of where it could go in the future.
There are over twenty streams at Congress, covering subjects like emergency and critical care, anaesthesia and analgesia, primary care and first opinion nursing, referral nursing, One Health, feline nursing, behaviour, exotics, zoo and wildlife, nutrition, QI & Audit, VN Education.
On the social side, there's Musical Bingo, and a ‘Blue Light Party’, an emergency services themed gala dinner and awards ceremony.
The association says that its research has found that 94% of companion animal vets say they have clients who feed a raw diet, 42% who feed meat-free diets and 29% who feed insect-protein in place of meat.
However, 6 in 10 vets are unsure how many of the cats and dogs they see are fed meat-free diets.
In a new policy position, the BVA is now urging vets to talk to all cat and dog owners about what they feed their pet, and record nutritional histories and any resulting issues on their practice systems.
BVA President Anna Judson said: “We know that owners of cats and dogs are increasingly drawn to pet diets that reflect their own personal values and lifestyle choices, and this is leading to a surge in alternative approaches to pet food.
"We support owners making informed choices about what to feed their pets, but they must be aware that these choices play a pivotal role in the health of the animal and can also have a wider impact on human health and environmental sustainability.
“One of the key issues in these conversations is the lack of long-term, evidence-based research.
"If vet teams are to maintain our position as the ‘trusted voice’ in these conversations, it’s vital that we ask the right questions and also record as much data as possible so that we can understand the long-term impact of some of these newer diets.”
The BVA says its new policy position is not trying to dictate the ‘best’ diet for individual pets but to support pet owners in meeting their pets’ nutritional needs as well as meeting their own lifestyle choices.
The BVA is also recommending changes to veterinary education to include a new emphasis on the importance of nutrition in day one competencies for vets and nurses, and improved awareness of the need for supportive conversations with animal owners.
To support the profession, the BVA says it will create a new public facing resource and lobby for better labelling of pet food and better labelling and traceability of the animal by-products that represent one of the major sources of protein in many cat and dog foods.
Anna added: “The issues around pet food are complex and with so much information available to pet owners from breeders, friends, online forums and other sources, we want to support all members of the vet team to feel fully confident in guiding their clients through dietary decisions.
"We hope that these recommendations and our upcoming resources will improve the information available to both clients and vets, supporting owners to make healthy, informed choices for their pets.”
Invetx specialises in developing protein-based therapeutics for chronic conditions in companion animals, with a focus on monoclonal antibodies (mAbs).
Dechra says these therapies have targeted modes of action and therefore are often more effective, provide an extended duration of activity and have fewer side effects, all of which help to extend and improve the quality of life for companion animals while decreasing the care burden for pet owners.
Jesper Nordengaard, Chief Executive Officer of Dechra, said: "I regard this acquisition as hugely important for Dechra, marking the start of a new chapter in our growth.
"It demonstrates our ambition to create further points of differentiation and relevance with veterinarians and pet owners alike, confidence in our ability to deliver highly innovative new products, and capacity to execute large scale transactions at speed."
Jesper added: “The half-life extension technology developed by Invetx allows for the generation of therapeutics that make treatment of chronic conditions far more convenient for pet owners and veterinarians through improved compliance.
"The pipeline of products currently being developed are all high value potential and will deepen our expertise in core therapeutic areas such as atopic dermatitis and osteoarthritis, allowing for synergistic product development, sales & marketing, and education efforts in the future.”
A team of three Ofsted inspectors carried out a four-day inspection, reporting that:
Head of centre Jackie Shopland-Reed said: “We are delighted to have regained our outstanding status, in our first full inspection since being graded as Good in 2015.
“It is very rewarding that the inspectors praised the high quality of teaching and the support we provide for apprentices.
"We also received feedback that apprentices enjoy their learning and feel safe and well supported.
"Our strong and effective partnerships with employers were also praised, all of which which makes us very proud.”
Available in packs of 56 (4 x 14 tablet blister packs), Lodisure tablets are divisible for accurate dosing.
The recommended starting dose is 0.125-0.25 mg amlodipine per kg bodyweight per day, which equates to half a tablet for cats weighing less than 4kg (and more than 2kg) and one tablet per day for cats weighing between 4kg and 8kg.
It can be administered directly to the cat or given with a small quantity of food.
Dechra companion animal brand manager, Sarah Musgrave, said: “Feline hypertension is very often part of a more complex diagnosis, therefore it is important that antihypertensive therapies are easy to dose and administer.
"Lodisure is a new, first-line, easy to dose and administer treatment to control systolic blood pressure in cats while the underlying primary cause is diagnosed and treated, which vets can rely on in their day-to-day practice.”
The practice, which has nine clinicians (including three RCVS Recognised Specialists), eleven RVNs, two human-trained cardiac physiologists and a dedicated referral administrator is the first referral practice in the UK to become an EOT.
Dave Dickson, a director alongside Jo Harris, said: "The decision to transition the clinical side of the business into employee ownership was led by the core values of the team and the desire to preserve our independence as a referral service.
"In an industry dominated by corporate acquisitions, with business models increasingly focused on keeping referral offerings within the corporate groups and limiting choice for clients, we felt it was crucial to chart a different course.
"We have a very bonded and supportive team, working together to continuously improve and evolve, where the ideas of every team member are important and all roles are equally appreciated.
"We feel that employee ownership aligns perfectly with this ethos.
Jo Harris added: “By involving all our employees in the ownership of the business, we aim to foster a culture of engagement and collaboration.
"This new structure ensures that every team member has a stake in the success of the business and a voice in how it operates.
"We believe this will not only enhance our service quality but also promote sustainable growth and innovation.
"The transition to employee ownership is not just a change in structure; it is a reaffirmation of our values and a pledge to our patients, clients, and partners that we will continue to strive for excellence in every aspect of our work.”
A team of researchers led by Tim Mair, CVS Equine Veterinary Director and Specialist in both Equine Internal Medicine and Equine Soft Tissue Surgery at Bell Equine Veterinary Clinic, will review 100 cases of colitis in adult horses and 100 controls referred to seven equine veterinary hospitals in the UK: five CVS equine veterinary hospitals as well as Rossdales Equine Hospital and University of Liverpool’s equine hospital.
A set of diagnostic tests on blood and faeces will be performed in these cases.
The laboratory tests will include: small redworm serology, culture and PCR of faeces for Salmonella spp, PCR of faeces for Clostridioides difficile and Clostridium perfringens, ELISA of faeces for toxins of C.difficile and C.perfringens, PCR of faeces for coronavirus.
The clinical features, laboratory results, treatments and outcomes will also be recorded.
Tim said: “Acute colitis accounts for around 5% of admissions to referral hospitals.
"And of those who are referred with it, half will not survive but there is very limited evidence available.
"So it’s vital that we build our evidence-base of this life-threatening condition.
"We hope that the outcomes of our new study will lead to a greater understanding of the causes and better inform veterinary treatment of colitis in UK adult horses.”
The Colitis in Adult Horses study is supported by a research grant from CVS, and funding for the small redworm ELISA will be given from Austin Davis Biologics.
The study started at the beginning of 2024 and the first horses have been recruited.
The results of the study are expected to be published in 2025.
VetPartners says Valley Vets has around 200 employees, less than half of which are members of the union, although the BVU says 50% are required for recognition.
Suzanna Hudson-Cooke MRCVS, Branch Chair at BVU said: “Fees at Valley Vets have increased by 25% in two years, which is hurting pet owners whilst some staff at Valley Vets are being paid so little that they’re having to use foodbanks.
“Three years ago, VetPartners CEO Jo Malone committed to paying all staff a living wage, which still hasn’t happened”
“VetPartners did increase the salaries of lower paid members by 7.27% in the last review, but this was mostly to meet its legal obligation to pay the minimum wage.”
VetPartners responded to these points saying:
"It has been and still is our aim to pay at least the real living wage to all of our employees. We have moved closer to the aim over the past three years.
"There are 20 members of the regular team that work at Valley Vets who are below the real living wage and they are paid approximately 1.6% below that level.
"Since April 2020, we have uplifted overall salary costs at Valley Vets by 31.45% before the increase in April 2024, at a time when VetPartners, like many businesses across the UK, has been hit by a sharp rise in the cost of goods and services, interest rates and rampant inflation.
"Valley Vets’ profitability has declined over the last three years.
"We have made advances over several years in improving many benefits for our teams such as life cover, health shield, sickness and enhanced maternity cover and want to continue to do so.
"We have seen mass redundancies from other large groups and we are trying to avoid this at Valley Vets.
"The BVU in Unite requested pay and condition increases initially that would have raised employment costs by over 25% and they are currently requesting increases which would raise this by 15% which would make Valley Vets unsustainable without a significant reduction in the workforce, something we are trying to avoid.”
During annual salary reviews in 2024, we benchmarked pay for all roles within Valley Vets and they sit in the upper quartile.
"We prioritised lowest-paid team members with a 7.27% pay increase while higher paid colleagues also received an increase at a lower rate.
"We are also well aware of the affordability of care fees, and that is why we felt fees paid by our clients could not be raised any further to support significant salary increases demanded by the BVU in Unite.
The strike is due to continue till the end of July, during which time the BVU says staff are being released from the picket line as needed to provide local animals with emergency care.
Staff are not paid whilst out on strike so the BVU has started a fund, here:
The webinar will discuss the importance of self-compassion and provide an overview of Katherine and Sarah’s research into the effectiveness of an online compassion focused therapy (CFT) intervention in improving the mental wellbeing of veterinary professionals.
Katherine and Sarah will also go into more detail about how to get the most out of a CFT course they have created, which will be made freely available for veterinary professionals on the Mind Matters website and on the RCVS YouTube channel .
Katherine said: “Our recent randomised control trial has shown the course to significantly improve resilience and self-compassion and reduce rumination and self-criticism amongst veterinarians.
"Therefore, Sarah and I are delighted to now be disseminating the CFT course freely to the veterinary professions, so that as many people are able to benefit from the evidence-based resource as possible.
“Even though our research was conducted on veterinary surgeons, we hope that the course will be useful to all those working in the veterinary team as the content can be applied in a number of contexts.
“Our webinar will explain more about our research, as well as some of the science behind the effectiveness of the course in a veterinary context.
"So, if you are interested in learning more about how CFT may be able to help you and your team, both in a personal and professional capacity, please do come along.”
Katherine and Sarah’s compassion focused therapy course will be made available on the Mind Matters website in due course. In order to access the online compassion course, individuals are invited to complete a short questionnaire before and after watching one 10-15 minute video each day for 14 days, with the aim of the video intervention being to develop self-compassion skills and reduce self-criticism.
The content covers the main points in the WSAVA’s report and offers up-to-date information and advice.
For example, Virbac highlights how the report raises concerns about increasing moves to early neutering, or for neutering to be used as a method of behavioural control, as not all aggressive behaviours are testosterone related.
For that reason, a “castration trial’ with long-acting GnRH agonist is recommended by the report before irreversible orchiectomy is performed.
In addition, there is also evidence that gonadectomy may contribute to the development of some tumours, which is currently under intense investigation, as is the effect of age at castration
Dr Neil Mottram, Technical Manager at Virbac, said: "There is so much new information to assimilate.
"So the educational reproductive resource is designed to make that journey easier to navigate and provide vets with easy access to up to the minute information on key issues in the report’.
To access the materials visit:, or contact your territory manager.